Sunday, October 11, 2009

Day 104 - Svelte and clothes and such

So this is me the other night. In a dress I haven't worn in like two years because it made me look very pregnant. And I'm wearing leggings because why not?
I'm finding that I'm losing weight in a very...uh...interesting way: My legs, hips and thighs and arms have lost inches at an alarming speed but what is in my stomach is still there. Though much less but still it's all very jarring to notice that I can't wear the same tights I wore last winter because they are falling off my ass but the mid-section. Murr.

There is more coming about how I really feel about 'Peak Condition' and how felt at the beginning vs. how I feel now and what I think Peak Condition means. But for now a photo of me looking 'svelte' as Mel Sidwell said. I'm about to go speak at a closing session of a conference. In a dress a size smaller than I wore before. Joy.


  1. Looking Good Heather. The stomach will go, but, sadly, it will be last. Even the boobs go first. Nature is a pain in the ass like that.

  2. you look great. keep it up. we're so proud of you!

  3. And the joys of the PCP just keep on coming. Awesome Heather. You must feel such a great sense of accomplishment everyday! I've been able to pull some old clothes--T-shirts anyway--out of the closet too. It's so nice when everthing actually fits nice. Keep at it!

  4. Yeah! You look great. For me I'm the opposite, my stomach loses immediately but my hips just will not go away. I was at 128 lbs and I had the same hip measurement as I did at 140. Skeletal up top and about the same down below. So we all have our frustrating problem parts. But it's not going to stop you from running your marathon! Congrats and keep it up!
