Monday, September 28, 2009

Day 91 - With Ease

I should be jumping for joy right now and screaming done from the rooftops but I am not. And I'm really ok with that. I am NOT in peak condition and that is the whole point of this project. So I keep on keeping on hoping that by the end of this - which is approximately three weeks before my first half marathon - I'll be in kick ass shape.

Over the weekend I ran a route I've run hundreds of times but this time was by far the easiest. There are hills and random spots of gravel and trees and I did it like it was nothing. Instead of lumbering along on the straight aways I was all head up, back straight and clipping along. It was an amazing feeling. I wanted to get to this point so I'm happy with the progress; an ability to run without feeling suicidal 11 minutes in. It was - dare I say - easy.

Shockingly I did it without music just to the sound and time of my breathing and pace. Which allowed me to follow and listen to my breathing and pace. It was far off from the days of yore where I would jog along on the treadmill but could only do 30 entire minutes if The Hills was on. And to do it without music? Ha Ha HAAAAAAAAAAAA.

Last week I stopped at the gym for a bit as per our homework and saw the scantily clad college girls flipping through In Style while moving at a snail's pace on the elliptical. I'd bet they would later drink their dinner (PBR or Bud light? Tough choice) but claim it was ok because of those 30 minutes on the elliptical. I didn't look amazing while in there but there was this sense of empowerment knowing how far I've come in this process. But I still have a hell of a lot more to do.


  1. Those pistol squats and lunges actually work. I too am amazed at my ability to run UP things now. It's like having cyborg legs.

    Let's kick these last 30 days in the pants.

  2. Love the meditative quality of running, just footfall and breath. Sounds like you're making great gains! Keep at it, Heather!
