Monday, September 7, 2009

Day 69 - "Do you want a trainer or do you want a little kid?"

Saturday I didn't get a chance to workout until later in the day due to incessant watching of The Wire. Start watching that show and I guarantee that you'll suddenly find yourself too busy to go to the bathroom. I ended up working out while babysitting my eight year old cousin. First we did some jumps and when it got to the leg workout she started losing her form and struggling. This after she had MOCKED me for not putting muscle into my workout. She asked how many I had left to do and I said well you do it until 25 or until it hurts. And she replied, "but it hurts after FIVE!"

I feel like I've hit a wall. I still workout of course but the cooking and the eating has become a chore. I keep envisioning french fries with ranch dressing but instead find myself in front of a pile of kale. Kale used to thrill me but now I'm just eh.

1 comment:

  1. In these down, bored with the PCP times, focus on the things you're GAINING, not losing. A better physique, more energy, more confidence. Those things are worth a lot more than a plate of greasy fries.
