Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day 35 - All About Me

Yesterday I had a conversation with Patrick where he said, "I know you're really busy..." and I am really busy. I'm "really busy" all of the time and the "really busy" BS is starting to get "really annoying". Of course that isn't what Patrick was saying. He was commiserating and letting me know how I needed to go about involving the PCP into my busy schedule. And after our talk I was pretty pissed off at myself. The talk went well. The PCP is back on track but it was that awful realization that as much of a narcissist I can be, I've never made being healthy a priority. I've never put it first. Work or writing or going out with a friend have come before going on a quick run. It's like I'll pull any excuse out of my "really busy" repetoire to avoid working out.

I really need to stop that.

I also really need to stop plastering a paragraph with "really".


  1. That was a really good post.

    There's always something else to do. Really changing your body doesn't mean squeezing one more thing in, it means cutting something that's taking up that time in the day now. And that's hard.

    I wrote a post about this a few months ago.


  2. You write? Me too! What kind of things do you write, if you don't mind me asking.

  3. It's great that you are taking action. Stick to it.
