Monday, August 17, 2009

Day 48 - Duh!

This morning my mother saw me and noted that I look thinner. I'm wearing a dress she's seen dozens of times and each time she'll say something like "whoa, look at those thighs". But today she said I looked nice and didn't comment on my legs except to say that I look thinner.

What I said back: "Oh, thanks"

What I wanted to say back: "NO SHIT. I best be looking better. It hurts to walk and yesterday during my run I wanted to cry and one should never wince when laughing!"


  1. Great job! My mom told me, "you're going to be in better shape than I am by the end of this." I said, "I'd BETTER be." Could you post pictures maybe? :)

  2. Ha ha, your mom sounds like a tough nut to crack!

  3. Yes, Jessica, I need to post photos.

    My mid-section is ever so slowly dwindling.

  4. Congrats, Heather! Keep on going!
