Saturday, August 22, 2009

Day 53: Two conversations about one thing

Conversation 1: Me and my mother

Her: "Oh, there's some of that salmon pate that you like in the fridge at the house"
Me: "I can't eat it. I'm still doing that thing where I weigh my food"
Her: "Oh", looking dejected, "well can't you just weigh it out"
Me: Incredulous. "Uh, no. That's not really how it works"


Conversation 2: Me and two friends

I'm currently on vacation and we had been out to dinner at one of my favorite restaurants. North Carolina pulled pork was my indulgence (ok, I had a half a shot of vodka earlier in the week).

Husband: "Look at that. Do you see that Ben? She didn't even finish all of her food. I'm appalled"
Me: Taking one more measly bite. I ate all the veggies (corn) but left the cornbread and the roll because I wanted to just focus on the pork. Ok and my beer. I had A beer. Shoot me!
Husband: "I can't believe you didn't eat that. That's a shame"
Wife: (after getting up from the table) "Ignore him. You look really great by the way"
Me: "That's what I was trying to tell you, I haven't had anything that heavy in quite awhile and that was A LOT of food and I'm not really used to it"
Wife: "Oh, well that makes sense"

I'm kind of in shock by what I crave now. I seriously used to dream about cheeseburgers and now I look forward to my milk times in the morning and at night and all the new fruits I've discovered. Like how I kind of cry when I run out of blueberries and pluots. All hail the pluot.


  1. Awesome. NC pulled pork and a beer, that's the kind of indulgence I'm talking about!

    Some people, for whatever reason, will just not support you getting in shape. It baffles me but still after all this time I meet people who have only negative things to bring to the table.

    Sounds like you handled them all pretty well.

  2. Ha! I totally hear you on the milk. I absolutely love it. All this time, I thought I had some kind of milk allergy, but it turns out I was just allergic to that processed milk crap found in most junk food. I drink my low fat milk now like it's frapachino! Damn, it's good stuff. And, hey, you handled yourself pretty well with all those people pushing all that negative energy around. Keep up the fight.

  3. Well done..such a great feeling that you stayed true to how you feel...
    Hard some times as it does take a lot less energy to not make choices but just be.
    Keep it going!
