Sunday, August 30, 2009

Day 61 - Eh

1) Mel Sidwell and I have been discussing our relative illnesses via Twitter. Mine was a reaction to medication that I knew would be over and done with after two days. And today I'm perfectly fine and about to head to the gym. Whoo.

2) Patrick mentioned what we should tell people who ask how we're getting into shape the interesting part is that I've told like three people. I haven't even told my blog readers and my God there is rarely anything that I don't tell them. I figure I'll tell them come November.

3) Why November you ask? Well I'll tell you why; it's because I'm doing 125 days of FUN because I NEED 125 days of this because Rome wasn't built in a day and I didn't gain 53 lbs in 90 days.

4) Here's a quick story: My mother never invites me over for dinner. I mean NEVER. So she just texted me with an invite for dinner. The menu: Fried chicken and potato salad. Why mother I do love fried chicken and potato salad but words. The second I got that text I came here because it's infuriating.

5) The really tiny t-shirt I'm wearing in my most recent PCP photo is really very tiny. It's one of those American Apparel shirts that I would never have worn um like 61 days ago because it wouldn't have gone past my boobs. Yay progress! I'm looking forward to seeing how it fits come day 125.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent Heather, you're doing great. Access to new clothes is one of my favorite blog topics!
