Monday, August 10, 2009

Day 41 - Houston, we have a problem

The problem is a loss of appetite. I don't know if it's a normal thing because I'm not stuffing my face every five minutes just because I'm sitting here bored out of my skull OR if it's because of some crazy aversion to carbohydrates. I think it's the former; that once upon a time, a long 41 days ago I would just eat and eat and not really think about it and now I'm conscious of everything I put in my mouth and so I'm just not eating as much as I was before.

I dunno. Other than that my ass seems to be getting smaller. But more on that later...


  1. i've kind of lost my appetite lately. I still eat but .... oy vey.

  2. The answer is that your stomach organ has gotten smaller and tighter, leading to a lower appetite. Keep eating! This is all good.

  3. Well that's good Patrick. Also, I need to post another photo because my stomach doesn't look like the above anymore. THANK GOD.

  4. Yeah, I was confused by the same thing around this time. I really had no appetite at all. Actually, it was a nice change after craving so many things every day.
