Monday, July 13, 2009

Day 13 - Aunt Flo and other exciting things

1) (Men look away if you must) I'm totally PMSing. Every time I eat a cherry I imagine it's a crispy french fry dipped in ranch dressing. It's strange but anger over hemorrhaging for a f*cking week kind of makes me better at working out. It gets out all of my frustration towards being a woman. Which, as of right now, SUCKS.

2) I cheated last night. I had a quarter of a mini-pizza and a beer and then walked around sullen for the rest of the night. Because I'm a CHEATER.

3) I have 9 count 'em NINE solid days of travel coming up. I'm less concerned about exercise seeing as how a jump rope can be easily transferred from one city to another but a bag of boiled eggs? My precious half gallon of milk? The veggies I so lovingly steamed? Not so much. I have no clue how I'm going to eat. The good thing is that on the second leg of my trip, I'm travelling with a good friend who cannot eat gluten, eggs, or anything for that matter. So whenever we travel we end up eating healthy and at healthy places anyway. I think I'll be fine. Also fellow PCPer Gwen Bell will be there. I'm sure she won't let me shove my face with french fries.

a) I'm really going to miss my ultra pasteurized organic milk
b) Also my cherries

4) I'm going to DC for work for two days. I've packed my cherries for this afternoon during the flight. Four plums. Two bananas. I'm equally impressed and disgusted by the amount of produce I go through in a week.

a) It's a lot better when I used to be a shit load of veggies and waste almost all of them.


  1. there are quite a few organic markets in DC, so you will be able to get some healthy stuff.I go to the store about every other day if you want me to pick up some stuff on your list.

    PMS + training is the worst! good thing it passes after a few days.

  2. I know what it's like to be down on yourself for cheating. Read my Day 31 post. All we can do is forgive ourselves and move on and do our best not to let it happen again.

  3. It's not so important that you cheated, more that you shared it with us and feel kind of crappy about it. We want to attach negative feelings to food that makes us sick, not positive ones. So good for you for being sullen, that will save you from much bigger downfalls later on.

    The female PCPers have all taken different approaches to PCP and "Aunt Flo". Some power through it, some take the week easy and cut a few reps off their sets. Listen to your body!
