Friday, July 3, 2009

Day 3

Once upon a time I had this boring life where I never went anywhere. I lived in DC. I had a schedule and everything had its place in my life. Two years ago I moved back to Upstate NY for my career and was suddenly thrust from not going anywhere ever to never being home ever. In a conversation with coworkers with the same hectic schedule as I we women hemmed and hawed over the pounds gained since taking our positions. The men lose weight and we women suddenly found ourselves with an extra 20 lbs.

Except I found myself with an extra 50 lbs. (and several gray hairs, but whatever). In two years of traveling around the country to the point where I can recite my frequent flier number faster than my social security number. I was explaining to Patrick aka Fearless Leader that I have this job - this life - where I'm always on the go. Never home. Always have my carry-on bag strapped to my hip. That sort of thing.

There are a lot of events and receptions in between. Room service beckons me when I'm on the ground. I don't eat mindfully, it's usually on the run.

I remember when it was fun. It's not anymore.

So the short answer for starting PCP is that who gives a damn if I'm busy. Everyone is busy. And I can't use "busy" as my excuse for being lackadaisical with my health anymore.

Like I told Patrick when he asked if I was sure: "It's do or die. Shit or get off the pot time". But between you and me, I don't want to know what might happen if I don't get in control soon. I'm doing this because I'm starting to get a little terrified for me.


  1. You're going to do great Heather. And the PCP travels well.

    Good for you for doing something before it's too late!

  2. Heather, way to show up for yourself ;) You will never regret taking care of you, I say. And much like when people ask me about being a parent/having babies, I just told them look there is never enough time or money or energy, etc. Bottom line: there's always an excuse NOT to do something, but usually one good reason to do something like this (hot body? better health? longer life? Um yes please).We're rooting for you!

  3. Heather, my PCP theme was "travel." How can I have this active life and eat well/exercise well.

    Patrick brought a bento box from Japan when he came to visit earlier this year - I can't stress how much that has helped. Knowing I have that adorable little bento box with food in it in my bag keeps me from caving (nobody thinks it's a lunch box, which is nice). I guess I'm a fan of simple, effective practices rather than overhauls. Although you'll get both with the PCP, try the bento box route. You might find it a relief to have that box throughout the day.

    Good luck! I have your back #blogher09.

  4. If you want your own stylish bento-box I'll hook you up Heather. Have fun not-drinking with Gwen.

  5. I'm a terrible comment reader. But I was just trolling amazon for a bento-box.

    And BlogHer is going to be torture. Oy. I can't think about it though. This is a total one day at a time kind of thing. If I worry about how I'm going to keep up in Chicago NOW, then I'm just going to freak myself out.

    I'll just keep worrying about what I'm going to wear and save the drinking issues for later.
