Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Day 7 - Me against the jump rope

Last month I ran three 5Ks in three weeks and ended up shaving six minutes off of my 5K time. Nowhere near my personal record and light years away from any time I wanted to see flashing in public. Regardless, three down.

At the end of each race someone would say to me "Oh, you make it look so effortless..." and I would give a closed mouth smile and shrug to prevent my lungs from catapulting out of my mouth mid-conversation. Little did they know the huffing and puffing that went on between miles one and two. Or the way I wanted to tell someone to go f*ck themselves mid-run because I was tired. Or the time I was in the middle of a 5K and thought screw it, I'm quitting. But I never did and by the end I would just smoothly run through the finish like it was nothing and promptly get home to pass out. In the shower later, I'd be all, I can't WAIT for the next one. You kind of forget all the pain during the actual process and at the end you feel all bad ass and want to rock out. Which is why I always ended with a smile on my face a swift stride.

That's how I felt during my jump ropes the other day; f*ck this. Day 2 I think it was, when I tripped and almost fell over my cat. At the end, I again felt all bad ass and like I could do that 470 more times. Today seemed to be my lucky day as I did 500 (WTF?!) jumps. Never mind the anxiety that went into my trying to figure out how to count that high while jumping and the cat - seriously, this cat is like permanently attached to my right leg - and how long it would take but mostly the counting.

So I went into the jumps and did 100 at a time and took a quick break to catch myself and re-group and then go back at it. Of course in the middle I was all, "eff this and eff the horse you rode in on" but that's only natural right? But at the end it felt awesome. Perhaps it was the sweat and the adrenaline and the general feeling that if I can get through the next 83 days, I can get through anything.

I briefly flirted with doing 500 more.


  1. There'll be plenty more cursing to come. Whatever gets you through the workouts. I think Emiko and Adrian established that cats HATE the PCP. It's a mystery why.

  2. i curse so much when i work out ;) and you've done three 5Ks? you are my hero (never done a race ever, which is one of my goals in the next year).

  3. Hey, just thought I'd wish you luck. I'm on day thirty nine of the PCP and, let me tell you, all that's coming is worth it. Good luck!

  4. Keep on with the positive thinking, you are doing great.
